Hotel House Keeping
Hotel housekeeping is concerned with all the duties of ensuring and mainlining cleanliness. Cleanliness gives the first impression of the facility. Ensuring cleanliness is paramount to attracting guests to hotels. Let your hotel or lodge sparkle and stand out and attract more guests to your facility. “A new broom sweeps clean, but an old broom knows the corners”. An Irish Saying.
“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”
– Maya Angelou, American Author, Poet, and Civil Rights Activist.
Chefs and Cooks
Whether it is a hotel or a private function, cooks and chefs will cater to culinary needs for facilities such as hotels or private functions.
- Facilities (hotels etc)
Do not panic when your chef/cook is sick or does not turn up for work. Help is on the way. Having plan B lessens stress. Do yourself a favour, register with us, we are your plan B.
- Private Functions
“A meal cooked by another person tastes more delicious’’. When you are entertaining, your job is to relax and enjoy your function. Why not take the hassle and stress from entertaining and let our chef/cook do the work for you?
Home House Keeping
Are you a busy mum/husband or a household who have no time because of family and work demands? Stop worrying, you cannot do it all by yourself. We are here to offer you a hand with your house cleaning.
Attendants and Waiters
A warm atmosphere where people feel they are being served and taken care of goes a long way to how people feel; it causes people to enjoy and appreciate the service provided. How the service is provided therefore matters. Let your service be outstanding by the team of workers you have. Attendants and waiters are a strong link in the service you provide.