Book Shift / Staff

Book Your Staff

Hi there, we thank you for registering with us and having us to be your guide to provide you the staff which you are looking for, wherever you are requested for and whenever you have requested for.

Please find out required information we need from you before proceed.

N.B: Please make sure to keep a note the total number of hours (including breaks) for the service agent is required to do their job.

Book Your Shift

Hi there, we thank you for registering with us and having us to be your guide to provide you the perfect job which you are looking for, wherever you are looking for and whenever you are looking for.

Please find out required information we need from you before proceed.

N.B: Please make sure below things while doing your job.

  1. Keep a note the total number of hours (including breaks) for the service you need to do your job.
  2. Confirmation of working the shift whether as per you have preferred.
  3. You must have your shift signed by the supervisor who must confirm the number of hours you have worked.
  4. After you have worked the shift, it is your responsibility to login again in your employee account & submit your timesheet.

Feel free to contact us for more details


0431 096 301